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"Hi! ♥ I've been very happily dating a man who DMed me from my RSMatchmaking profile for the past two months - yet it really does feel like we've known each other for far, far longer. We've spent time with each other's families, spent much of spring break with each other, and he's going as my plus one to a wedding at the end of April (I'll be sure to send you pics :-) We just got back from a really great weekend in NYC (we're from Philly) and I'm still riding that high quite a bit. He reached out to me because of my RSMatchmaking profile back in January, we went on a date, hit it off and stayed with each other for 16 hours afterward. We've been inseparable since, it was like finding the male version of myself, everything comes more naturally than any other relationship in my life. It also happens that we have plenty of real-life overlap as well (Philly is a small world indeed). This all sounds sappy and gushy but I'm quite happy and grateful that I made this profile on a whim. I feel so confident and hopeful about the future. Yes, you can find true love via Red Scare!"
— Anonymous

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♡ Submit Your Story ♡