rs matchmaking




Age 19
Gender Male
Astrological sign Pisces
Location Southern California (Socal)
Sexual orientation Straight
Looking for Something beautiful that will likely end in wistful wanderings of our respective city-streets, separated by impassable barriers.
Open to long distance Maybe
Brief sentence to describe yourself My love for women is only outmatched by my love for humanity! I eternally seek to learn about wonderful things of human creation whether it be history, philosophy, art, etc. Currently a student of university, tour guide at a museum, and owner of four dogs.
Contact info (909) 632-4706 (If you don't want me to know your number then just message me on discord @tewodros)
Music Frank Sinatra, Machine Girl, The Buttertones, The Garden, Blu-Swing
Books Genre-fiction and non-fiction enjoyer. Just finished The Claw of the Conciliator by Gene Wolfe and I'm moving onto The Reformation by Diarmaid Macculloch
Interests/hobbies I run, swim, spend a lot of time with my dogs, consume media, collect tchotchkes from around the world, play games, go camping, and plenty more. Just ask!
Link to Letterboxd/Goodreads/other social media I've always thought bookshelf~esque social media site was a little narcissistic. Takes away from those day-to-day moments of just experiencing something rather than needing to categorize it.
Anything else you want to share I'm 6'4 and have a BMI of 18.3