rs matchmaking




Age 25
Gender Male
Astrological sign aries
Location UK
Sexual orientation single
Looking for fun times, exploring
Open to long distance Maybe
Brief sentence to describe yourself i am too cynical to not overthink this
Contact info
Music anything on Kranky Records, Stereolab, HTRK, Croatian Amor, dub, Steve Albini RIP and anything he was involved with,
Books brave new world. I don't read enough but I buy too many photobooks and zines
Film/TV A clockwork orange, Slacker, frances ha, Pusher trilogy. I also don't watch enough films but I like these. Watched Threads recently that was so disturbing. I prefer obscure documentaries
Interests/hobbies I paint and have exhibited work. I love to collect and mix vinyl records, petty theft, schmoozing at shows. I run but I hate all team sports. Drink and drugs sometimes. I am happiest when I'm on the move - trains, bus etc - I find it hard to relax.
Link to Letterboxd/Goodreads/other social media dont have
Anything else you want to share live fast !!! not sure what I'm doing with this, just thought the format was cool. Feel free to email (if ur interesting!)