rs matchmaking




Age 33
Gender Male
Astrological sign Leo
Location Small-town PNW
Sexual orientation Gay (ish [enough])
Looking for Someone whose maladjustment complements mine.
Open to long distance Yes
Brief sentence to describe yourself College professor straight out of central casting trying to not take things too seriously, and avoid my students on the apps.
Contact info
Music Indie-pop, Post-rock, Folk: Your generic white hipster bullshit.
Books Morose Latin-Am/European Fiction. Some highlights: Radetzky March, Moscow to the End of the Line, Last Evenings on Earth. Ironically I hated Steppenwolf.
Film/TV Yes [Prime], Minister, The Thick of It, Dr. Strangelove, Any Wes Anderson (I know,), Joe Pera Talks With You
Interests/hobbies Reading in bars, Baking, Running, Complaining, Craft Cocktails, Complaining while drinking cocktails.
Link to Letterboxd/Goodreads/other social media
Anything else you want to share I'm not one to make the first move on anything, so hopefully you will!