rs matchmaking




Age 34
Gender Female
Astrological sign Aquarius
Location Southern California
Sexual orientation Historically bisexual but only into men these days
Looking for Someone nice for witty repartee and banter.
Open to long distance Yes
Brief sentence to describe yourself I have a melancholic and cynical sense of humor. I appear relaxed and nice to outside observers.
Contact info
Music Strong preference for ambient, classical, kora, etc. Basically anything without words.
Books Novels about conflicted and depressed women (but not Otessa Moshfegh). Nonfiction about art, philosophy, culture.
Film/TV Plaintive foreign films with low stakes. Dry documentaries.
Interests/hobbies I jump around different artistic media for fun but not especially skilled. I am also extremely into my own ideas about spirituality but I usually keep that shit to myself.
Link to Letterboxd/Goodreads/other social media
Anything else you want to share