Age | 30 |
Gender | Male |
Astrological sign | Sag |
Location | Boston |
Sexual orientation | Str8 |
Looking for | Beautiful woman |
Open to long distance | No |
Brief sentence to describe yourself | Brand new kind of guy. Never been done before. Laid back. |
Contact info | Ig internet_1994 |
Music | Fan of it all. This year a lot of bladee, sun kil moon, and latin techno. |
Books | Whatever my book club tells me to read, rn gravity's rainbow. |
Film/TV | I like PTA and foreign movies. Want to watch mad men when I get a gf. |
Interests/hobbies | Eating, thrifting, partying. Being a role model. |
Link to Letterboxd/Goodreads/ other social media | |
Anything else you want to share | The drivers side door window of my car doesn't go down all the way but I'm working on replacing it. |